Sunday, October 14

Betty Doreen Smith

I was fortunate to know Betty for a few years and yes she was amazing. Prior to her death and while she was in fairly good health and with the assistance of her daughter Robynne they went through paperwork and artifacts from her volunteer work. She generously donated it to the Cupar museum and we have started to catalogue it. Thank you to Kevin Bonish for delivering the big boxes.This endeavor will continue next year. I knew she volunteered for a lot of local groups but did not realize how very active she was until her memorial. 

When I arrived at the memorial I noticed a table at the front with Betty's photo, a purse and overnight bag amongst other things. It was only when Robynne began to talk about the purse did I begin to understand. Robynne told stories based on Betty's purse. How the contents really told us about the life and concerns of Betty. It was very touching and I actually began to think about the contents of my own mother's purse and what those items said about her.

 Thank you Betty you truly one of a kind.

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