Tuesday, July 12

Canada Summer Jobs

We are pleased to once again have received money from Canada Summer Jobs to hire a student for 8 weeks. Our last student Tenashia was with us for 2 summers and this year has been hired by The Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina as a summer student. We welcome this year Shelby who has just finished grade 11. We have kept her busy learning new skills: cataloguing new artifacts, including proper cleaning and storage. She has been scanning our latest collection book, scanning booklets and original photographs, assisting in rearranging displays and helping with our senior's tour. I can not believe 2 weeks has past. 
There are still more assignments to come.
 As we all know, as volunteers, there are quite a few things we always mean to get around to yet never have the time for. For me as a baby boomer I have enjoyed learning and exchanging ideas with a millennial. Hopefully Shelby and I will have time for a computer workshop . She will show me things on Windows 10 and I will show her how Mac functions.