Monday, August 26

photo album

Originally I put together a photo album to celebrate the 110th anniversary of Cupar.  It consisted mainly of the businesses located on Stanley St, churches, fires, and cyclone. I showed it to
Lloyd Macnack a local resident, businessman and photographer. On his suggestion I am continuing to add photos and information. Thank you Lloyd.

Thursday, August 22

Museum Fencing

The fencing around our farm equipment is almost finished. Another thing off our checklist before winter

Friday, July 19

Cupar Recreation Hall

I noticed that the Cupar Recreation Hall is getting a much needed paint job. Here is a look at what it originally looked like finished. Notice the size of the evergreens.  Check out the museum to see the display of who built it and the tools used.

Monday, July 15

It made her happy

One never knows what they will find at the museum or what memories it will stir in them.
Donna (Hildebrand) Silzer came to our Strawberry Social and toured the museum with friends.
In the hospital display I pointed out a wooden wheelchair. She got excited because that was the wheelchair she pushed Lornie Mueller to sports events in. I asked if she would like to sit in it.
Oh yes. She was so happy and let me take a photo of her.

summer student

We would like to welcome our new summer student Meigan. We put her to work immediately, and are so happy with her efforts. She has been with us 2 weeks and 6 more to go.
We received money from the federal government through Canada Summer Jobs. So very helpful for a small town museum basically run by volunteers.

Wednesday, July 3

Strawberry Social

As part of the town of Cupar's July 1st celebrations we had our Strawberry Social. Special thanks to everyone who contributed their time in preparation for the event, to our volunteers who served our guests and to Blue Country for their wonderful old time music. We also thank the people who came out to support us. There were tours of the museum and our extended ball exhibit. We continue to be appreciative of SaskCulture and Saskatchewan Lotteries for their financial support for making these kind of events possible. We further thank the town of Cupar for their financial support as part of the town's Canada Day Celebration.

Tuesday, May 21

upcoming strawberry social

Cupar and District Heritage Museum
Strawberry Social
Date and Time: July 1st. 2019 - 2:00pm-4:00pm
Live Music by Blue Country
Cake, Strawberries, and Whipped Cream with Coffee and Iced Tea
At the Museum – Admission for Adults: $7.
- Admission for Children under 12: $5
Come enjoy the music and socialize with friends!
The museum is open to the public from1:00pm- 5:00pm:
Check out our various permanent and summer exhibits.