We are greatful for the continued support of Sask Culture, Sask Lotteries and Museum Association of Saskatchewan
Wednesday, October 17
Culture Days
As part of our Harvest Lunch on October 13th we presented a softball exhibit of great interest to the locals as many of their friends and family participated in this sport over the years. Softball was not just in the men's domain as seen by the artifacts of women's teams and awards. The exhibit gave a sense of how far back the sport goes in this community. The improvements to the baseball diamonds are coming along and hopefully next year we will be able to once again to have tournaments.
Monday, October 15
Bells of Peace
The bells at the old United Church in Cupar will be ringing at sunset November 11 at 5:18 pm. Thank you to the Cupar Legion. Lest we forget. 100 years since the end of the war to end all wars. Now known as the First World War.

On November 11, at the going down of the sun, communities across Canada will mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War with the ringing of 100 bells. The ringing of bells emulates the moment in 1918 when church bells across Europe tolled as four years of war had come to an end.
To engage youth in this significant initiative, children with the help of schools and youth organizations, are encouraged to research, locate and place flags on the graves of Canadian Veterans of the Great War.
Legion Branches and communities will host commemorative ceremonies and special activities to help Canada Remember. At sunset on November 11, the bells will ring at Parliament Hill, city halls, places of worship, military bases, Naval vessels and at ceremonies across the country to honour Canada's Veterans and commemorate the end of the First World War.
When you hear the bells toll on November 11, take a moment to pause and remember all those who served and sacrificed.
We will remember them.
Sunday, October 14
Betty Doreen Smith
I was fortunate to know Betty for a few
years and yes she was amazing. Prior to her death and while she was
in fairly good health and with the assistance of her daughter Robynne
they went through paperwork and artifacts from her volunteer work.
She generously donated it to the Cupar museum and we have started to
catalogue it. Thank you to Kevin Bonish for delivering the big
boxes.This endeavor will continue next year. I knew she volunteered
for a lot of local groups but did not realize how very active she was
until her memorial.
When I arrived at the memorial I
noticed a table at the front with Betty's photo, a purse and
overnight bag amongst other things. It was only when Robynne began to
talk about the purse did I begin to understand. Robynne told stories
based on Betty's purse. How the contents really told us about the
life and concerns of Betty. It was very touching and I actually began
to think about the contents of my own mother's purse and what those
items said about her.
Thank you Betty you truly one of a
Monday, September 17
Sunday, August 26
Treaty 4 Display
acknowledge that we are on Treaty 4 territory traditional lands of
the First Nations and Metis People
wanted to create a simple display with key points about
Treaty 4
that would make
people want to find out more on their own.
We also included photos
of First Nations People who used to come to Cupar for July 1st
parades and celebrations. They would come years ago by horse back and
wagon from Gordon Reserve and stay north of Cupar by Brent and Jackie
Ermel's farm. They would stay a week or so for activities in Cupar
and at the sports grounds.
Friday, August 10
Summer is passing Matthew
I can't believe nearly 6 of the 8 weeks
for our summer student have passed. We have been working him really
hard and he is a joy to be around.
Matthew and I have spent a lot of time
organizing and condensing our storage areas. Matthew has made lists
attached to the inside of the storage cupboards so we know exactly
what is in there. Not only will it help find artifacts but help
decide what to get rid of in the future. We have all our assorted
frames in one place now and realize we don't need to get any more
from garage sales.
No Matthew don't look up there. I
thought those were fake cupboards. Maybe next year.
Monday, August 6
Every artifact has a story
Every artifact has a story, but too
often when someone donates something they sadly forget about sharing
that story. Often it may only be a few lines but it makes all the
difference. Artifacts can trigger our memory and we all have slightly
different memories. So remember that memory is equally important as
the object.
Time is running out
Time is running out to come and see our
summer exhibit on softball in Cupar. You may recognize yourself,
family members or friends. While you are at the museum you should
stroll over to the ball diamonds, improvements are really coming
along. Remember it is never too late to donate to the Cupar Ball
Diamond Project. You can contact Kevin Bonish or Kelly Findling.
After all we will all benefit from all the efforts of our volunteers.

Monday, June 25
Please Don't Rain, Please Don't Rain, Please Don't Rain
It seems that no matter what day we
choose for our Strawberry Social, chances are it will rain. Does that
sound familiar to anyone? Sometimes even if it isn't raining the
grounds are so saturated that we have mud ruts everywhere. Other times
we have moved the date only to get rain again. Sigh! One glorious
year it poured then the sun came out an hour before our event.
Even though the national weather person
predicted drought this year we have had lots of rain this June. It is
necessary to always have a Plan B. One year we moved our event to the
Legion, too small a space.
This year we set up the canopies on
June 22. Our summer exhibit on softball in Cupar was set to go and
then we waited to see. We continued to wait the morning of June 23
to see what the weather would do. Our event is scheduled to start at
2:00pm and at 12:30 the call or calls were made. Messages went out on
social media and posters downtown quickly changed.
We moved to the recently renovated Town
Hall. The band Blue Country was able to spread out nicely and they
commented on how good the acoustics were. Our crowd of about 60
people may have been smaller than other years, but of course the
weather is mainly to blame. Everyone had a great time, but of course
we would have preferred to be outside in the warmth and sun. Sigh!
Maybe next year.
Thursday, June 14
The theme of the conference was
“Authentic Storytelling for future Narratives”.
All workshops including the keynote
speech centered around variations of
storytelling sprinkled with concrete
I was also pleased that this was a
joint get together with MAS and
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society.
It is an obvious overlap but I did get
to meet new people
and re-new old friends.
I wish I could have attended all
workshops, but I couldn't be in 3 places at the same time.
My favourite workshop was entitled
“Story Shaping”
with Danica Lorer was simply inspiring
and thought provoking.
Objects can assist in triggering
stories, but other senses like sound taste
touch can come in to play.
Often when we hear a story we begin to
recall our own story. Everyone
experiences a memory in a different way
and all are valid.
We were all given a chance to choose an
item from a table and develop a story
to share with a partner within a minute
and if we chose later with the whole group.
We all have stories no matter what our
age. We need to share with each other.
I am pleased I do not have to wait to
share my stories until I am in a nursing home.
afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. I'm
afraid of heights.
We all had a chance to take a a self
directed tour of Humboldt museum, art gallery and
original Humboldt. Great to go at our
own pace.
The water tower, what a beautiful 360
view of Humboldt and surrounding area. The view WOW.
Over 80 feet high. The interior spiral
staircase has 143 steps up and of course down, way down.
afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. I'm
afraid of heights.
I clung to the bannisters, I looked at
my feet, at the stairs, I counted the stairs.
I did not look up. I did not look
I had no choice but to also make it down, really really
worth the fear and anxiety.
afraid of heights.
afraid of heights.
afraid of heights.
Sunday, February 4
1918: 100 years ago was the end of
The First World War, The Great War, the war to end all wars.
The year also marks the 100th
anniversary of the Spanish Flu (H1N1). A major flu pandemic which
infected 500 million worldwide and killed an estimated 20 to 50
million people.
My own great grandfather, a dairy
farmer, died from this flu. He was 60. It left my family in an
economic and financial limbo that would take years to recover from.
Many families in the Cupar and area
were dramatically affected.
Lloyd Keyser who served in WW1 died
November 1918 of Pneumonia following the Influenza. He is buried in
the cemetery in Cupar. His brother Earl also contacted the flu, but
In October 1918 the first death was
Mrs. Philip Weisbrod soon to follow Mr. Paul Hodel.
The Cupar Herald dated October 17 1918
gives more detail on efforts to contain the “disease”
By October 24 1918 3 more
deaths are announced in the north district
The Cupar Herald dated October 31 1918
announces all businesses to be closed to prevent the spread of the
flu and named a number of people who had died.
The Cupar Herald dated November 7 1918
noted that many people were being inoculated against the flu.
In the same issue Doctor Stuart advices
people to remain home as the vaccine may give only some immunity
against pneumonia and other complications.
The Cupar Herald dated November 21 1918
announces that an emergency hospital has been set up at the school.
The Cupar Herald December 5 1918 gives
news of closing of the emergency hospital in Cupar.
However this was not the end of flu
deaths. The James Mainland family of the McDonald Hills area (Enid)
had lost a son in the war. In January of 1919 according to The Cupar
Herald: Mrs. Mainland and 3 children: Mary, Rose and John succumbed
to the disease.
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